DES MOINES, Iowa – An Iowa Senate bill, SF 2027, sponsored by State Senator Sandy Salmon, R-Janesville, requiring parental informed opt-in before a student is enrolled into a sex education class, seminar, or conference passed in subcommittee on Tuesday.
The subcommittee consisting of Salmon and State Senators Ken Rozenboom, R-Oskaloosa, and Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames, advanced the bill on a 2 to 1 vote with Quirmbach opposed.
The bill also states that school districts provide information about human growth and development curriculum used and information of any human growth and development conference or seminar for which the school faciliates student attendance before parents provide consent.
The bill states, “A school district shall not enroll a pupil in a course of instruction in human growth and development or facilitate a pupil’s attendance at an educational conference or seminar that provides information about human growth and development unless the pupil’s parent or guardian files with the appropriate principal a written informed consent acknowledging receipt of the infromation required in the subsection.”
Iowa law currently requires schools to provide parents information about such courses, and provides the ability for parents to opt their students out.
Read the bill below: